Pens and Pencils – the Perfect Match

Marking keys words in the text is an important and useful tool of inductive Bible study. Sometimes finding the best pens and pencils for the job can be challenging. After much research (i.e., personal use) and thousands of dollars spent (okay, maybe not thousands but still alot), I have discovered the perfect combination for marking key words in your Bible.

When doing inductive Bible study, the Pilot Frixion Erasable Gel Ink Pens combined with Crayola 30ct Twistables Colored Pencils make the perfect match. Like peas and carrots. Or like potatoes and gravy. Or like ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Or like peanut butter and jelly. Or like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong. (Raise your hand if you grew up in the 80’s and know all the words to Grease!)

So you can stop searching, throw away all those other pens and pencils you have, and get these. They are all you need. Trust me on this.

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. Anita Crowley says:

    Hey, do you use the Crayola erasable twistables? I do.


    1. Kari Dent says:

      No, I don’t use the erasable ones. I just use the regular ones. They seem to erase fine if I need to.


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