An Open Letter to Lauren Daigle

Dear Lauren,

First, I want to say that I LOVE your voice! What a gift from God. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thank you for using it to glorify the Lord and help us praise Him.

Second, I want to tell you that your song I Will Trust in You resonated with me in a way that few songs have. It was released in 2015 during a time when I was struggling with my faith. I mean, truly struggling with trusting God when He didn’t answer any of my prayers for a very long time. Many of those prayers remain unanswered three years later, but through my struggle, I came to the same conclusion as your song. I will trust Him no matter what. That’s easy to say but hard to live out. It is easy to say when you haven’t endured deep and painful trials. But, girlfriend, I’ve been through some stuff and I’m still going through some stuff and I can say I am going to trust Him through it all – even if He never answers my prayers. Why? Because He is worthy!

The next thing I want to tell you is that I love Ellen Degeneres! If she asked me to appear on her show, I’d do it in a skinny minute. She is kind, generous, fun, and HY-larious. I love her. I am sorry that you received criticism for appearing on her show. I don’t understand the basis of the criticism, but I do know this – when you are in the public eye you have to be ready for criticism. Unfounded, unbiblical, unwarranted, unfair criticism. (I am a pastor’s wife. Need I say more?) When I was very young, I heard a preacher say that in every criticism there is a grain of truth. He said to search for that grain, deal with it, and then throw the rest out. I cannot tell you how well that piece of godly wisdom has served me over the years. Sometimes that grain is almost imperceptible, but when your heart is to be holy and righteous before God, He will use unfair criticism to help you grow.

I also want you to know that I, too, have many loved ones who are homosexuals. There is a homosexual couple in my family who have been together longer than many of my other family members. We love them dearly and have shown them through the years that we love and accept them. One of my daughter’s closest friends is a homosexual. The other day my husband was at her place of employment and as he drove away, she said “I love you!” He hollered back, “I love you, too!” There are more in our lives, of course. I just wanted you to know that I understand where you’re coming from when you say that there are people that you deeply love who are homosexual. Same here.

Now here’s the big one that you’re getting blasted for… your response to the question, “Is homosexuality a sin?” From what I understand, your response was basically, “I don’t know. There are many people that I love who are homosexuals.” There is absolutely nothing wrong or unbiblical about that response.

Not knowing what the Bible says about a topic is not a sin. I have been a serious student of the Word of God for over 40 years, and there is still so much that I don’t know. The rich depths of the inspired, infallible, holy canon of Scripture cannot be fully mined this side of heaven. We can try, and we should try (2 Timothy 2:15), but we will not know it fully until we see the Author face to face.

Once we are confronted with our lack of biblical knowledge on a particular topic, I believe we are obligated to discover the answer. When someone asks us a question about what the Bible says and our answer is, “I don’t know,” the next thing we should say is, “But I will find out!” So I encourage you to start digging in. I would love to sit down with you and reason through the Scriptures together. Since that is unlikely to happen anywhere except in my dreams, please know that there are excellent study tools that can assist you to discover Truth for yourself. Don’t start with commentaries or books about the Bible. Just get out the Bible and look up every mention of whatever topic you want to know about. ( is great for this.) The Bible itself is the best place to start. And prayer. Never open the Word without first asking the Holy Spirit to guide you. That’s one of His favorite things to do.

I also want to caution you to not let your feelings guide your theology. That is the choice that I had to make back in 2015 when I felt like God didn’t love me or hear me and had forsaken me. I had to run to His Word and see who He says He is. I could not base my theology on my feelings because I frequently felt like God hated me. According to His Word, He loves me with an everlasting love and He will never ever leave me. I had to decide if I was going to believe what I felt about God or what He says about Himself in His Word. I decided to accept His unchanging Word. That is an important decision that each person must make. What do I believe and what do I base my belief upon?

So, sweet sister, be encouraged. You are loved – by God and by many others, including me! You have been given a large public platform, and that is a huge responsibility. Seek God with your whole heart. Ask Him the hard questions. He can handle it. Dig deep into the Word of God and study it for yourself. When someone asks a question and you don’t know a biblical answer, dig deeper. Through prayer and study, decide what you believe and why you believe it. I hope you will come to the same conclusion that I did – to believe and trust in God and His Word no matter what because He is worthy!

I promise that I will be praying for you.

Much love and many prayers from your sister in Christ,



26 Comments Add yours

  1. Child of God says:

    So said. And smwhat a turn from God to serve the world. So sad. Yet this is prophesy coming to pass as the world christian: broad road: becomes the majority and the True Believer and Follower of Jesus’s Christ becomes the minority: narrow road.


    1. Kari Dent says:

      I’m sorry but I don’t see where Lauren has turned from God to serve the world. She expressed her ignorance of God’s Word on a particular subject. All of us are at different places in our walk, and there was a time when I would not have been able to give an intelligent, biblical answer to the question she was asked. Pray with me that this controversy spurs her on to a greater knowledge of God and His Word.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jayne Rout says:

    Your counsel is wise. God loves us all. One sin isn’t worse than the other from what I read, and I am challenged that striving in my own strength for God instead of resting in Him is the same in His sight as overdrinking,lying,yes, and homosexuality. My brother and other friends of mine are homosexual. I have Christian friends that drink and berate their loved ones, my ex husband used to be violent to me and he was a youth pastor. When will God’s church stop and read and stand up as Lauren and yourself have and speak God’s love. Jesus died for all sin. Thankyou so much for your post


    1. Patricia Pricr says:

      1Corinthians Verse 9-11 is one of the scriptures to read. There are other scriptures that talk about this. It is not for us to judge. You are so right in saying to read the word, FROM THE BIBLE, and search for the answers. In the end we will all answer for ourselves…..but love everyone.
      I too am a preachers wife. God bless you all. 💞


  3. Lena Rae says:

    Awesome post Kari! You inspire me to excellence.


    1. Kari Dent says:

      Aww, thanks! We’re all learning and growing together. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, I really hope Lauren reads this. She needs to know that not every Christian wants to throw stones at her for the honest way she answered that question. Your advice to her from your heart is spot on!


  5. Christy says:

    Thank you so much for tjis. My husband’s sister is gay and a few years ago we left our church because the pastor there confronted my husband and I about it. My sister in law knows our beliefs and where we stand, but that does not mean we do not love her. The pastor at the church wanted us to bring hell, fire, and brimstone down on her. I was not raised that way. I was taught that Jesus loves everybody no matter what and I should do the same. My husband and I left our church because of how that pastor began to treat my family and I. Your letter to Lauren is beautiful and it was just what I needed to read.


    1. Kari Dent says:

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m not sure what your former pastor’s thought process was, but you and your husband are not responsible for the decisions that other adults make – not even your adult children. You are absolutely right to love her. Whenever God gives us opportunities to share truth from His Word, then we should share it. The Holy Spirit has His job, and we have ours. I think that pastor was confused about which job was his and which job was His. Blessings.


  6. Agnes says:

    Love them enough to save them, while leaving all Judgement to the Father. I Love Lauren too . I will not say she is wrong or right. I know what the Bible say. She just wanted to play it safe. That lifestyle I leave for God to convict the person. I will not sell my soul to Judge. I will only tell her n the Word of God and hope they do too


  7. Moma Lisa says:

    AMEN!!!! Well said.


  8. Sheila says:

    I agree with your well versed letter. She has indeed been given a worldwide platform and truly has a beautiful voice and gift of songwriting. But my thought is this: If you are a child of God and you do read your Bible-how can you say you don’t know if homosexuality is a sin? It is PLAINLY stated in more than one book of the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God. We as Christians are to love everyone but we are not called to turn a blind eye or not truthfully answer to be politically correct. I had a patient one time-obviously homosexual-and she asked me if it was wrong. I told her that I believe God’s word which says it’s wrong-but it was between her and God-that she needed to talk with Him. Thank you for your letter and encouragement and Godly advice to Lauren-I hope she sees it and heeds that advice. God bless you.


    1. Kari Dent says:

      If you haven’t read that part of the Bible, then you don’t what it says. People wrongly assume that people who are popular or well-known are seasoned Christians. Not all are. Everyone has to start their journey in the Word somewhere. Thank you for your thoughts.


  9. Liz says:

    Hi Kari…this letter is a wonderful response to the controversy at hand. I have been thoroughly upset with the attacks that my brothers and sisters in Christ have delivered. I hear so much about Lauren being a sell-out to the world… I don’t see that. I have seen that with other artists, but Lawrence writing Jose deep understanding of God and relationship with God. Not something that is just peripheral. Hope Lauren read this and I hope she follows the advice. Cuz the Bible definitely give the answer to everything


  10. Yvonne Cruz says:

    Yesterday I committed myself to write to Lauren Daigle. I wanted to support & encourage her for who she is in God. I didn’t do it. Today as I looked through the news & your message to Lauren was there. I was not expecting what I read. It was exactly what I wanted to send to Lauren. Every bit of it. Of course, I don’t think I could have said it as well as you have. You wrote to her with the compassion, love, & heart of God. The God I serve & live for.
    I wanted Lauren to be encouraged that the same song that touched you touched me. That was the beginning of my relationship with her music. They have become my worship & praise songs to Him.
    It was at a time when He was blessing & upholding my husband & I. He was answering prayers (yes, no’s, & maybe’s). But one, bringing our daughter back to us, to our family. 5 yrs. later still no daughter & family. But you know what? I will trust in Him. It’s what He says about me & who I am in Him that matters.
    I have found the secular world hurts & judgement easier to deal with because they don’t know any better. When Christians hurt, judge, & become self righteous I can’t understand. Yes, they are human & sinners…not perfect…
    But they should know better & strive to be & do what God’s word teaches us, shows us to rise above the world.
    So Lauren keep writing & singing the beautiful & loving songs.
    Thank you again Kari & Lauren. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit continue to guide through His journey with wisdom, love, & strength. Amen!


  11. Monique says:

    Wow. Very loving, non judgmental advice. I often didn’t know how to feel when one of my favorite coworker is a gay guy. He is kind, funny and fun to be around.


  12. Rebecca Diggs says:

    So perfect! I am Christian too. It is not our responsibility to judge others, we are to love them. My daughter is gay and I would never turn my back on her. Plus the fact that being gay is no greater sin than any other. No one questiins, do you live your sister or brother that live with their girlfriend or boyfriend, unmarried. Or the many people who lie, steal, hate, commit adultry. All is sin, no one greater than the other. But people have to be accountable to God for their actions. We are not accountable for what others choose to do. Just keep loving people and worshipping God, that is our mission in life.


  13. Kidd says:

    The sad part is Jesus died a brutal bloody, and insane death so that we could be saved from the fires of hell. Sin is actually a very serious crime. Not only is homosexuality a sin, but so is fornication. It seems as if the church is hiding in the shadows afraid to fight for righteousness. It is a Christian’s responsibility to know the Bible and it’s very clear, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. I had a family who loved me so much that they told me the truth about my sin. They told me if I did not repent I would not make heaven my home. Of course I did not feel condemned because I knew they loved me very much. There truth and love shook me. The truth is people are going to hell. Christian’s are called to fight and pull people out if the fire of hell. Jesus was killed because he spoke against sin, issues of the heart, and the religious world. Paul, and Stephen were both stoned for talking about repentance. There is something powerful about repentance. Submitting the will to God and trusting his word. He will bring deliverance and hope. Of course God loves people!! Homosexuality is a bondage, a tormenting bondage. God hates this sin because it was not his design, and because it brings a curse to humanity. Their is hope repentance!!! Repentance starts with the church!


    1. Kari Dent says:

      Thank you for your comment although I am not sure I understand it’s relevance to my letter to Lauren. I encouraged Lauren to study God’s Word for herself so that she can be ready to give an informed answer if she is ever asked those same questions again. Instead of saying, “I don’t know,” she can say, “The Bible says…” Yes, we need to fight for righteousness. But how do we know what righteousness is apart from what God says it is? People are at different places in their walk with Christ. We need to lovingly, gently, and sometimes tenderly guide those who may be less knowlegdeable or experienced in the teachings of Christ. Blessings.


  14. Ani says:

    Wow! Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking the opportunity to be authentic and speak life into the void. Your generous Words of Wisdom spoke volumes. My Hope and prayer is that everyone who took the time to read your post accepts your invitation to find absolute Truth for themselves. That they choose to dive deep into His Word and enjoy the unchanging, everlasting Love, that only Our Father can provide. 👑


  15. Donna Bergeron says:

    Kari Dent thank you so much for this post! I believe that those that are judging her are lacking in. Knowledge of the bible. God loves all of us equally, and Jesus paid for our sins, Our all mighty Father will stand before each one of us and He will make the judgement. No. 1 commandment, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. 2nd most important, Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Follow this and no one should be criticizing anyone! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! That tells me right there that they are hypocrites, for we are all sinners! Love you Lauren Daigle and will stand by you. Kari Dent again thank you, you too, are an inspiration!


  16. Beverly says:

    I have to agree with Kari. God teaches us all to love one another and forgive one another. We all should have the Love that God has for us, the AGAPE Love. If we all could just love like that we would all be filled with so much joy, that come from our one and only heavenly Father. Reading God’s word teaches us all.


  17. MelissaBishop says:

    While homosexuality IS a sin, there are many pastors on the pulpit right now sinning and people still go to their churches and appear on their shows. We Christians are called by God to go into the world and shine His light. If we only go to those who are saved and only share the same light, what good does that do? Vilifying Lauren Daigle for appearing on Ellen’s show does not show either woman the love of Christ. We are called by Christ to be loving and merciful toward one another. Going to the lost as Ms. Daigle did is a great way to do just that.


  18. Very loving and positive letter. Christian musicians need prayer and support.


  19. Shonny says:

    Kari, what absolutely excellent advice for our sweet sister in the Lord!! I myself have often thought about writing her a letter on the same topic and the same encouragement!!
    I have been in church leadership and ministry for many years, and unfortunately I have been persecuted, rebuked, condemned and hurt to the core….. By religious people who always think they know better, and that they have been called to let everyone else know their opinions. Which can be so hateful and heartbreaking. But here is one thing God spoke clearly to me about (after being attacked by a modern day pharasee), He said this: “I have never told you to put your trust in MAN, but I have told you to put your trust wholly in ME, and to not be discouraged by their faces”
    I have had to remind myslef of that many, many times. The only one we are accountable to is our Father!


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